Selasa, 20 September 2011

pro engineering tutorial part6

continue with the tutorial yesterday

Component placement panel will appear at the bottom, we will choose
Automatic reference constraining based on which we will specify, as
We choose the reference axis A_2 to Crank (arrow 1) and back A_3 Conrod
(Arrow 2), as shown below

The second restriction will be made from parts of Crank, the first constraint is the
Crank shaft into the hole into Conrod, the second constraint is the
Conrod paste, click on the side of Conrod like the picture below.

We turn in the Orient click icon mode on / off> then take a pointer
with their> press the middle mouse button> swivel parts as shown below,
Tap the icon Orient Mode on / off button again to exit
click on the left side of the part in Crank (arrow 1), enter the offset value of 0
mm (arrow 2)> click the check mark to continue with the next step
Results of constraint first


Sabtu, 17 September 2011

pro engineering tutorial part5

continue with the tutorial yesterday

We will move into the piston Conrod> Soft Panel click (arrow 1)> select
Offer Type = Translate (arrow 2)> click on the Conrod his left> drag to the right, for example

The second restriction will be made from Conrod of the first constraint is the
into the pin hole on the piston, the second constraint to the distance 62
mm from outside the engine block on the Conrod, we turn the point of view by clicking on the icon
Orient Mode on / off> then take a pointer to their> press the middle mouse button
> Turn the part as shown below, the Orient Mode icon press on / off again
to retirement.
Click the Placement Panel (arrow 1)> New Set click to send restricted in two (arrows
2)> click on the first reference to the outside of the engine block (arrow 3)> for reference
The second click on the outside of the Conrod (arrow 4)> select Offset (arrow 5)> enter the distance
offset 62 mm (arrow 6)> then click the check mark next to
We will be the last part (Crank) into the assembly system, starting with
click on the "Enter the assembly componentin the toolbar right-dialog
We will see Open> select crank.prt> then click Open

Jumat, 16 September 2011

pro engineering tutorial part4

continue with the tutorial yesterday

We will move to the top> click Move panel (arrow 1)> Motion Type select =
Translate (arrow 2)> click on the piston portion left> draw up, as shown

In order to simplify the display, turn the Datum Planes; points Datum & Coordinate
System (arrow 1)> Go back to the Panel> Motion Type select Rotate (arrow 2)>
rotary piston about 90 degrees (arrow 3), it looked like this, and then click on the
check to continue with the next step.
We will add a third (Conrod) into the assembly system, starting with
click on the "Enter the assembly component" in the toolbar right-> dialog
We will see Open> select conrod.prt> then click Open
Component placement panel will appear at the bottom, we will choose
Automatic reference constraining based on which we will specify, as
choose the reference axis and the axis of Conrod A_4 A_5 of the piston, such as
figure below.

Minggu, 11 September 2011

pro engineering tutorial part3

continue with the tutorial yesterday

In the Model Tree> BLOCK.PRT right click> and then left click Fix location, as in
the picture below.

We will be the second part (piston) into the assembly system, starting with
click on the component "Enter the assembly" in the toolbar right-> dialog
We will see Open> select piston.prt> then click Open.

Component placement panel will appear at the bottom, we will choose
Automatic reference constraining based on we will specify, as
choose the reference axis of the piston and the axis A_1 A_2 on the block, as in
the picture below

pro engineering tutorial part2

continue with the tutorial yesterday
We begin by clicking on the icon "Insert the assembly component" on the toolbar
A right-> open dialog appear> select block.prt> then click Open
Component placement panel will appear at the bottom> click on the icon
check  for the next step.
We turn first block, so facing forward. Click on the Orient Mode icon on / off

> Then take a pointer to their> press the middle mouse button on the> rotary parts, such as the
picture below, click on the icon of the Orient Mode button on / off again to exit.


pro engineering tutorial part1

In this tutorial we will learn to create a "system assembly" mechanism
simple combustion engine. In assembly of the system will be comprised of four (4) part:
1. engine block
2. Piston (piston)
3. connecting Rod
4. Crank Shaft (crank shaft)
This will be composed of different instruction sets in the first part we will make the -
parts, and then another part and the last move we'll
Assembly system is based on degrees of freedom (degrees of freedom / Finance), a
we specify.

In the tutorial we will assemble the parts we have made in the tutorial
previously. Several new orders, including: Add component into the assembly;
Component Placement on this panel was the Placement Panel and Soft Panel.
There are various options available constraint: Mate; Align; Enter; coord systems; tangent;
PNT Online; PNT On SRF; Edge Of SRF; angle. Because our assembly system is still simple,
so we will only use the Automatic option restriction. When a given
quite restricted, it is considered as a restriction completely, if the restriction
Packaged to be adequate. Because at the end of the assembly we will drive partpart
, Then we will leave a step is one of freedom (to be
move), whether such an offer on the motion of rotating or sliding Crank as in the piston.

Open Pro / ENGINEER> click the New icon on the toolbar> dialog

We will see New> the type chosen by the Assembly> new column name
Name> name MesinTorak> click OK

We will see "graphical user interface" for Pro / ENGINEER wildfire 3.0 to
seher name on the top left.


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